3 Window Treatment Ideas for Your Kid’s Room

When you are out there looking for the best window treatments for your children’s rooms, you want to install something that keeps them asleep at night and fresh and active during day. You want to keep them safe at all costs. Remember, the right window treatment for their precious room can either make or break it.

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Understand that the wrong window treatments could be uncomfortable or even downright dangerous, while the ones chosen with proper care and after considerable research would practically light up their life. You could go for either shades or blinds, or those high end shutters or the contemporary drapery that your very own bedroom windows have. There are a few considerations that you would want to keep in mind while selecting the right window shades NYC or treatments in New York:

1.      No Cords
Given that it is your kids we are talking about, no matter which window you choose to treat first, the treatment you go with should not have any long or low hanging cords. Do understand that corded blinds and/or shades can be hazardous for small children as they can get entangled in them. Always opt for window treatments that come with hands-free automation.

2.      Install A Long Lasting Window Film
This is for all the families in New York that are confused about the various choices of window treatments available in the market. We all appreciate a nice view of the city and the weather on many occasions. Therefore get some films installed on your windows instead. These allow you to have a wide open view of the outside world and can be customized to make them even friendlier for your kids by putting their favorite  cartoon characters on them.

3.      Blackout Shades And Drapes
Window shades and drapes can be a rather tricky choice, but they’re still a viable option if you have infants or babies in the house. Blackout shades and drapes can help you out if your child is too fussy and has trouble falling asleep. These shades and drapes can be completely shut off preventing all sounds and light from entering the room.


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